Spring Awakening
Technically speaking, spring does not begin until the vernal equinox on Wednesday, March 20 at 5:58 p.m. Meterologically it begins on March 1. Whichever date you choose spring is coming. The difference between the two dates is mainly a few weeks and weather that regularly bounces back and forth from snow to sunny days with temperatures in the low 70s. Ah, to live in the Ohio Valley.
As Mark Twain stated: "In the spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours." Maybe because our weather fluctuates so much in the spring we should garden by the science of phenology, nature's calendar. Many consider spring to begin once forsythias begin to bloom or maple tree leaves begin to unfurl. According to the Old Farmer's Almanac and phenology here are few spring gardening "dates" to be aware of: - When crocus bloom plant radishes, parsnips, and spinach.
- When quinces bloom plant cabbage and broccoli.
- When forsythias bloom plant peas, onion sets, and lettuce.
- When daffodils bloom plant beets, carrots, and chard.
- When maple trees begin to leaf out it is safe to plant perennials.
Ah, Spring. Only you could make people look forward to earthworm casts appearing and playing in the dirt when it is only 40 degrees. "In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt." ~ Margaret Atwood We couldn't agree more Margaret. Happy Spring! Celebrate accordingly.
Grow a Healthier & More Beautiful Lawn
We recommend using fertilome's 3 Step Lawn Care Program to help your lawn become healthy, beautiful, and the envy of the neighborhood. It is as easy as applying the appropriate nutrients at the appropriate time of year and fertilome has taken the guess work out of lawn care.
The first step, "For All Seasons Lawn Food Plus Crabgrass and Weed Preventer 16-0-8", contains micronutrients and trace elements that help to create a nice dark green lawn after the cold of winter.  This also contains an excellent pre-emergent herbicide for preventing weed seed from germinating in your lawn including crabgrass, broadleaf weeds, chickweed, spurge, and others. "For All Seasons" contains the herbicide Prodiamine, which will give you solid protection against crabgrass and broadleaf weeds.Â
The best time to apply "For All Seasons" is March and April or when the forsythia begins to bloom. Be sure to get a start on any potential weed issues before they get a start on you. Make sure you ask us about steps 2 and 3 when you pick up step 1.
Another great weed control product for the lawn is "Turf & Ornamental Weed & Grass Stopper Containing Dimensionâ„¢". Dimension™ is a pre-emergent and early post-emergent herbicide that provides season-long control of crabgrass, goosegrass, foxtail, spurge and Poa annua. It lasts up to 4 months.Â

We're Turning Green
Spring is right around the corner and we couldn't be more excited. Enough of the cold wintry weather and bring on the growing season. Pansies have arrived and they are ready to brighten your pots and landscapes. Before, we all get carried away there are a few chores we need to take care of inside and outside.
If you haven't started seeds, March is the time to start tender annuals and vegetables. We have everything you need to get started growing. While you're waiting on your seeds to sprout take some time to plan your garden for this year. Maybe you want to move or divide a few perennials. Think about trying a different annual this year. The possibilities for your garden are endless.
If you didn't cut back perennials and ornamental grasses in the fall early to mid March is the time to take care of them. Once the soil is workable and spring bulbs begin to bloom you can plant cold hardy veggies. Be careful to not work too much if the soil is wet. Working wet soil can increase soil compaction which can result in stunted root development in plants.
It's March and St. Patrick's Day is on the 17th. We are your shamrock headquarters. Shamrocks are easy to take care of houseplants and make great gifts. There are several varieties available. Our three favorite are the standard dark green shamrock, the purple shamrock, and the Iron Cross shamrock.
